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WWE Is Ruining... Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world. He also seems to be one of the best human beings in the wrestling industry. Neither of these things matter to the WWE as the former is irrelevant, and the latter has probably done more to hurt his career than help it. 

Zayn is the most important wrestler in NXT history. He was there from the beginning, he was the ultimate babyface who rose above all challengers to finally achieve his dreams of winning the championship and did it without ever using nefarious means, and then instantly had it taken away from him by his best friend. Not only that, Sami Zayn vs. Antonio Cesaro in a 2 out of 3 falls match put NXT on the damn map. I remember seeing him against some random Mexican wrestler in a room about the size of an elementary school gym with about 150 fans, and it was one of the best matches I have ever seen in person. That random Mexican guy turned out to be Andrade, and despite Andrade being completely unknown and Zayn being the biggest star in NXT, they had me believe every false finish and had me going back and forth between screaming and giggling with joy. 

The beauty with Sami Zayn is he's not only a good person, but he knows how to convey that. He straddles that very thin line that allows him to be a good person without being a lame babyface. It's genuine, and his run in NXT was the best babyface work I have seen this decade.

And then there's the main roster run where injuries and the WWE refusing to give him a consistent character has diminished my love for Zayn. Don't get me wrong; I can't create a five favorite wrestler list without him, but it's gone from soulmate love to love you as a friend. I mean, they managed to make Sami Zayn vs. Daniel Bryan a totally forgettable match at WRESTLE FREAKING MANIA. They had to work hard to manage that, but never underestimate WWE.

Honestly, WWE is never going to let Zayn reach his potential. He's currently a heel in possibly the greatest pure wrestling faction in any organization with Cesaro and Nakamura. Just casually turn those guys into babyfaces when the crowds and Zayn come back (might not be until 2021), because that really wouldn't be all that hard. Let Cesaro be Cesaro, give Nakamura his music back, and let Zayn show his true personality and it's instantly done. Then have them come over and beat the shit out of Seth Rollins group and have Zayn go onto be a scrappy underdog challenging for the World/Universal Title. Have him lose, breaking my heart. Have him go for the title again and if he loses, he will never receive a title shot again. Break my heart again, and have him lose. 

But then, have him win the Royal Rumble, and that is how he gets one more shot, and he capitalizes by finally winning a World Title in the main event of WrestleMania. 

Is that so hard?

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