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Connection Time

Grab your coffee, sit down, and let's chat!

Lately, I feel like I have been so paranoid that my kids are going to get sick.  I feel like we haven't had any serious illnesses since last May, so I feel like it's time.  When I picked Weston up from school, he acted just fine and then I thought he was claiming to be "so tired" because he didn't want to do his after school chores.  Then he fell asleep and had a fever.  It's crazy how quick these things come on.  So, we are home today (not what I had planned for today).  He's resting and feeling better (thank goodness!) and I am trying to get things done.  My to-do list seems crazy, and I am trying to put the final touches on the office so I can officially call it done and get to work on the kid's bedroom. 

Also, March went quick.  Am I right?  It's been a great month and we've had a lot of fun.   We started the month with lego racing since we took the kids out of school for a week.  It was a great way to keep them occupied and can't wait to do some balloon lego racing during Spring Break in a week!

Then, we packed up and headed to Disneyland for a quick trip.  Lots of beignets and delicious foods were consumed and memories were made.  My sister even closed up Meadowlark Yarns and flew in for the quick trip my parents came, too!  Ethan and his cousin pretended to be 10, so they could ride together without the parents and I got to hang out with my sister!  My heart was so happy!  We also braved the brand new Burbank IKEA and WOWZERS that thing is big!  We weren't sure if we would ever get to the bathrooms!  But, we got what we needed and headed home.
We headed back to reality and to a busy week filled with lots of fun!  I even got to do my BFF's daughter's hair for the Father-Daughter dance at school, have a sweet friend over for coffee and get super creative with Soccer Night menu planning. 
Ethan has kept us busy with school projects.  He and his class had to do folk tale plays and designed their own backdrops and costumes and then this week, he had to run for president.  This kid blows me away with his creativity!  He sketched out what he wanted his poster to look like, and then he drew it out on paper.  He used Crayola slick sticks to color the picture of him and then painted the flag.  I cut out the letters on the cricut but that's all I did.  I am so proud of his hard work and creativity.  He didn't win. . . . but when the whole class had to run for president, the chances were slim.  He did tie for second place, though.
The garden is really enjoying all this rain we've been getting.  I think we are going to have a record amount of plums on our tree this year and the apple tree has started to bloom along with some of our trees and bulbs.  Not to mention, the grass is green (that won't last for too much longer once the weather starts getting closer to summer!).  In the meantime, we are just going to enjoy it as much as possible.

So, here's my connection questions. . . don't forget to answer one or two in the comments below or on instagram or Facebook.  I would love to hear from you!
Outside my window the sun is shining through the clouds.  It rained this morning very unexpectedly and it was just gorgeous! The lemon tree just outside the window has a couple of lemons just waiting to be consumed and flowers starting to bud. 

I am thinking
of all the things I need to get done.  There's a lot going on around here and I am excited about it all.  I feel like there is always a lot, but that's just where we are at right now.  Also, I think that Weston is on the mend.  He hasn't had a fever since late last night and he's eating foods and wanting to play.  whahoo!

From the kitchen
not much is happening, but I really want to get in there are bake.  Cookies and muffins are just calling my name right now.  I actually haven't done anything this week in there and I'm kind of sad. . . but it's the end of the month and we are almost out of just about everything. I was supposed to go grocery shopping today, but plans changed and now I am content just checking things off my list.  I might have to bake some cookies.  Yes.  Cookies.  That sounds good.

I am wearing
my pajamas.  I'm home with a sick kid and cleaning.   I did buy a new shirt at Madewell to add to my spring core wardrobe and I love it!  just a blue and white striped tee, but it goes with everything!

I am creating
lots of things.  Right now, invitations are high on my list, but also some Spring decor that needs to happen.

I am reading 
Shauna Niequist's book Bread and Wine.  You should too.  Just saying.  Also, it has recipes that I can't wait to try out. 

I am hoping  that whatever this bug that Weston has is gone and doesn't come back. . . and nobody catches it. 

I am hearing Disney music and some movie that Weston is watching on the Ipad.  It's really a quiet day around here.

Around the House
laundry is being done, Easter eggs are ready to be filled, and the spot on the wall that I haven't finished is begging to be painted. 

One of my favorite things
  right now is taking time to spend with friends.  No matter how busy I am I want to be able to fit in coffee dates and dinner dates.  I went to dinner with some friends from school earlier this week and we talked and talked and realized it was really late and we needed to get home.

A few plans for the week are
finishing up some projects, grocery shopping, menu planning, and doing mom things.  Nothing super exciting.  

I can't wait to hear from you! 

Now, it's your turn.  Go ahead and pick one, two, or as many as you want and comment in the comments, on Facebook, or instagram.  Let's connect and have a conversation! 

Outside my window
I am thinking
From the kitchen
I am wearing
I am creating
I am going
I am reading
I am hoping
I am hearing
Around the House
One of my favorite things
A few plans for the week
What I am listening to 

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